Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I'm typically not always this forward but sometimes some things just need to be said. I had the worst sex that I've ever had last night. It was sooo bad. One of my idiosyncrasies is that I'm not really touchy feely, but in the bedroom I expect lots of touchy feely/affectionate bordering on dirty talk, petting panting etc. Well it didn't go down like that. I had not seen this girl in like months and months but I didn't really expect things to go any differently. She was almost lifeless and completely emotionless. I almost asked her why she even let me come through. I got up from the bed WITHOUT getting a nut and got in my car and drove back to my hotel.

Quick education: The difference between men and women is that when women have sex they may have an orgasm. However, when a man has sex he is guaranteed to have an orgasm. Let me restate-I walked away without getting my rocks off and drove home. I'm not going to bore you with any of the dialogue between she and I (I was bored and I was there) but I remember the ride home last night as extremely funny.

It was so bad that I almost don't want to have sex anymore until I get married. I'm not exaggerating. It was that bad! If you've seen Waiting to Exhale there's a scene when this dude is with Lela Rochan and he's pumping away and she's looking so uninvolved/blowed because ole dude thought he was beatin' it up. The director lets us hear her thoughts as he's pumping and grinding and whatnot and she thinks, "I coulda had a V-8." So that's my new nickname for her--V-8.

In other news I took some me time to relax. I'm in the ATL, which is where I plan to move next year. It's been quite enjoyable up until this point with the exception of V-8. I have never been more repulsed.

Prior to this I spent two weeks in the 'boro attending a workshop where I was subtly and not so subtly insulted. The purpose of the workshop as I understood it was to provide strategies to help increase test scores. What they actually did was treat us (about 70 math teachers at failing schools) like we didn't have degrees in math. The first day the dude "taught" us how to solve equations! That offended my sensibilities, but because they were giving us $4000 for it I was able to take it just like I planned to take them duckets!

Also my mother's husband got his other leg cut off the other day. I don't know if I mentioned on here about the right one getting cut off, but if I didn't just know that now they are both gone. You have to be careful how you treat people or bad things will happen to you.

The realism is that one of the biggest lies ever told is that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt. For my biblical scholars we know that life and death are in the power of the tongue. If you can speak life or doom to a situation, how then can you not all the more say things that are a minimum hurtful? I mean life/death vs. hurting someone's feelings. I don't think that there is any comparison. I know this is kinda random but I needed to say that.


Rashan Jamal said...

It's been said that ain't no such thing as bad sex for a man... that is a damn lie. I know what you are talking about with the v8 type of sex. luckily I havent had any of that in a while.

Jazzy said...

Alright after I cracked up at the "I coulda had a V8" image. Wow at "worse sex ever"!

I'm confused though. I know you can't go into specific details and all but...might it be that you just weren't in the mood too much yourself, so she didn't make it better because YOUR game wasn't on point?

Don't curse me out...seriously...I come in peace!!!! I'm not blaming you...I'm just asking if both were to blame?

JayBee said...

lol @ opionated diva
When I saw the part about "..YOUR game.." I saw red for a split second, but I kept reading. To be honest I really didn't want to reflect on that experience any more but since you asked, I don't think it was me. It could have been, but since I wasn't doing anything remarkably different from previous encounters I kinda expected it to be like in the past. Or maybe she was just sending me a signal that it's always been wack and she just didn't want to play along. Something for me to consider.

Jazzy said...

lol...I thought my comments might offend the MAN PRIDE, so I wanted to clear that up right away.

I'll let this go in honor of you not wanting to reflect further on the experience though!