Thursday, February 21, 2008

Let My People Go

I'm sick of this school. I need to get hired in the A. I can't wait until I can move. These Negroes get on my effin nerves. I was late Tuesday. When I got to my classroom Mr. G was in my room with my students getting ready to make a phone call to someone. I don't know who he was getting ready to call. I was maybe ten minutes late. I come on in and start class and he slips out the door. No problem. Later on that day he sees me and makes a comment that I need to fix my alarm clock. Why *plural form of the word that we buried* gotta try to be slick out the mouth? Since he gotta put his mouth on me about me being a few minutes late, I decided not to come to work the next day at all. Was I being petty? Maybe because I know I'm leaving I just don't care anymore. One day I'll be able to say I'm free at last. I need to be out of this toxic environment.


Eb the Celeb said...

I changed the link on that video if you wanted to check it out... and OMG... just watched the new wire episode... damn why'd he have to go like that... if he had to go... which I thought he would be the last one standing... why couldnt it have been more gangsta! That hurt my feelings sooooo bad! I love Omar!

JayBee said...

@eb: I still haven't been able to bring myself to watch it again. I thought he'd be the last one standing too. I'mma check that link out.