Monday, July 14, 2008


DISCLAIMER: This post is not directed at any one person. This grew out of years of hearing something and not having the words to express how I felt. From the heart of JayBee. I hope that this can start an open dialogue. If you have anything to add or wish to give me a different vantage point, please share.


For quite some time whenever I would hear people say, “Don’t forget where you came from,” or some variant of that same thematic expression, I could never give voice to why that statement bothered me so. Whereas it is supposed to be received as a reminder to live in humility, I have discovered that the real message being communicated has its roots elsewhere, from a place much more sinister and demeaning. Each time I’d hear the phrase uttered, I’d walk away feeling trampled upon, but not understand why; further I wouldn’t be able to articulate to another why I felt so. This weekend I sat down (after hearing it again) and tried to deconstruct the phrase along with the not so subtle innuendos that lie couched within.

Most of the times when I’ve heard this expression it has been communicated to me through someone older: a parent, an aunt or uncle, grandparent, church member, etc. I have heard it from people in my same age group as well. Typically the message always comes when I express to someone about any changes that I’m trying to implement. The issue is that the potential changes often move me further away from what is status quo in an impoverished or lower middle class social structure.

The purported intention of the statement does not match what the statement really communicates. I submit to you that the expression’s intent is not to keep you humble, but to keep you bound. That’s what makes it so menacing. People who have not done as well as you always seem to want to remind you of how things used to be back in the day. When you ordered something from the restaurant and shared it. When you had to go outside after the people left and turn the electricity back on. When you went for months with the same pair of school shoes. You see where I’m going. It is because of those experiences that people like myself try to create circumstances for themselves that shield them from the disappointments that a life that includes the aforementioned provides, if you can really call that state of affairs provision. I do not express regret for wanting a different reality for myself. I took no pleasure in eating chicken and rice three times a week (even if it was tasty). It didn’t excite me to have to watch my mother and him* struggle to make ends meet.

It really is reminiscent of the proverbial crabs in a barrel. When you see me trying to do a little something you think it your sworn duty to humanity to keep me ‘in my place,’ by issuing the trite admonishment. It is perfectly fine to remember the roots, but I want to be a limb. I’m going to stretch out a little bit—enlarge my territory, but I’m still connected. I do need you to survive, because the roots provide sustenance for the limbs, but just because you bring something to me via a conduit, I don’t have to partake. You bringing me your bad habits, I’ll pass. If you want better for me, then why would you want to keep reminding me about worse? I’m having difficulty reconciling in my mind how romanticizing the improperly termed ‘good old days’ is going to help me improve my current situation.

When you come up under less than favorable conditions, how could you …‘forget where you came from?’ Those experiences are forever indelibly etched in the fiber of your being. Those experiences build character and engender you with the fortitude to push yourself to accomplish more. I didn’t pursue higher education so that I could try to fill my head with enough stuff to erase my youth from my memory. Instead I pursued education so that I could have a richer experience—a different set of circumstances.

I cannot do anything about the way I was brought up. I cannot say that I would have willfully chosen it if given the choice. It wasn’t that bad, but it was bad enough though that I don’t desire that for myself. What we have to look at is what have I done since my life has been my own. I think I’ve been a good steward of my time. Where I came from I was not in charge of decisions. Now that I am responsible for myself I am creating the where I came from part of my life. Don’t try to hold me accountable for the poor decisions that you made. Just look at me since my life has been my own.

As a caveat, something that I have noticed about people who use this expression on others is that they want to make the statement and at the same time be a beneficiary of the better practices that you have adopted. How can you make that statement, but then call me to help you pay your car note or light bill or for a car repair?

In truth, the next time someone uses that expression, I’m going to have to let them know that I am going to forget where I came from. You have to forget the habits and practices that put those making the statements in the predicaments that they are in. You’re walking around in bondage to your creditors, can’t pay your light bill, got your car note in your pocket instead of sending it to Wachovia Dealer Services all the while looking out your blinds for the take back man. When you rise to different levels in life, there are some things that are no longer acceptable practices. You’re going to have to forget where you came from, particularly if you want to be able to keep progressing.

No, I won’t forget the struggles because as I said earlier, those things helped shape me into the man I am today. Stronger, wise, better, so much better because of it. But if by using that expression you mean for me to continue on the destructive pattern that has you bound, then to that I say a hearty HELL NO. I will not live like you and I don’t apologize for the same.

I guess I'm not following The Script. Maybe that'll be my first book.


Anonymous said...

To hell with the script! Don't even start a new chapter, scratch that bad boy and start your own story. Tell it how you want it told. I commend you for realizing the cynicism in the "words of wisdom" you were receiving from others.

Don't allow yourself to become limited or discouraged by their narrow thoughts. You are capable of ANYTHING you decide you want to do. Let your voice and passion be your guide on your life journey.

Send those haters a postcard.

Keep doing you!

Don said...

real talk, and powerful message given.

i feel you. once upon a time i used to be the person who allowed the 'don't forget where you came from' and 'keep it real' sentiments to hinder me. i used the term hinder because if a person has suddenly learned how to fly then what does that person look like following the groundwork of the very ones who are without wings?

they would look crazy, and not being real or true to thy ownself. i agree @ the other point you made: it's always the ones who speak of not forgetting...who are the first ones to forget.

for a long time i followed the script. i kept it real while i soared. in the end, the ish didn't get me anywhere...but shot down out the sky. the next time i grow wings...aww, the sky will be the limit.

enjoyed the read. one of your best thus far.

MP said...

This is exactly how I have always felt about those "words of wisdom". They never felt encouraging and they always seem to put a damper of things. It always felt like I was doing something worng so I needed to be reminded where I came from. It's nice to remember but it is not never a reason to stop trying to move past it.

Good for you for putting words to this. I know I never did, I just didn't like the saying.

RealHustla said...

Is there anyway you can convert this post into a sermon and preach it to a church. Amen brotha, amen.

The courage that it takes to step outside of the confines of your past is too often overlooked. Somehow intelligent individuals who fear the lack of acceptance and love will set aside the truths you've stated here and follow the herd.

I proclaim that I am not boojoixzee (sp?), but I am doing me.

After reading the first paragraph I thought to myself that this is the speech that precludes the request to borrow money.

Now, at the risk of sounding boojie, at least convert the ideas you've written here to lay terms so that YOU can start giving some don't-forget-where-you-came-from speeches of your own.

Chris said...

I struggle with the whole keeping it real thing to THIS DAY. I feel like my proper diction and my degree make me less black, and I wish I didn't feel like that.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i disagree
it means u should learn from your past and never forget
for u will make unecessary mistakes
will u forget of slavery too
if so, u become the eaister person to make a slave for A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots. Marcus Garvey

Ladynay said...

Wow J, I would have never thought of that phase or those of the like in that manner. Love the different interpretation.

JayBee said...

@ieisha: Tell it how you want it told. i like that. i can write my own story my way. thanks for the encouraging words.

@don: precisely, don. i like your analogy. be sure to let us know when you put your wings back on. thanks for the compliment.

@mp: ...always felt like i was doing something wrong and needed to be reminded where i came from. my feelings exactly.

@realhustla: i'm working on the sermon! i think i'll take your advice.

@chris: your diction and degree don't make you any less black. if anything, they add credibility to you as a black man.

@torrance: i won't forget slavery. we are yet dealing with some of the remnants of that debilitating state of afffairs. but i still think there is some cynicism in that statement. i definitely respect your opinion, though.

@ladynay: thanks nay. i just needed to give voice to some of my feelings.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you 100% here JayBee... I won't say more than that, as this post hits close to home.

Great insight on this topic though.

CHA CHA said...

That was are a wonderful writer and you make a great deal of sense. You have a gift for sure!

Mizrepresent said...

You are the sum of all your experiences and the maker of all your dreams. So you are entitled to build, to live, to breathe into your life what you must. We often forget, and don't use the power we have over our own lives, sure we have all suffered through various experiences, but that life doesn't depict the rest. It is but a stepping stone to what we want to achieve. If you have a dream, believe in it, live it, go for it, strive for is yours to be had. Nothing can keep you from your dream but yourself and that's the dayum truth in a nutshell!

One Man’s Opinion said...

Sgt. Lupe and myself were having a conversation yesterday...something simular to this (tell me if I;m wrong). She was trying to justify the wrong that some people do based on their circumstances and environment. I told her that I thought that to be a cop out. I told her I knew what it was like to grew up in the hood, not know my biological father, have a physical and verbally abusive father and grow up on food stamps. With all that I decided what path I would take and would be stronger than my circumstances. However, I never forget where I came from because it not only helps me to be sympathic, but it also allows me to be insightful to peoples plight. However, don't let them try to tell me that they are killing and robbing people because of their environment. I want believe. I mean, it has something to do with, but not everything.

FeFe Johnson said...

4 words: FUCK that script son!

Random image that popped in my head after reading this post: Someone saying that to me right before I took a bottle of liquid in the shape of NJ and cracked it on the top of their skull.

Benediction: I'm printing this post out and posting it on the wall of my studio where I produce my tracks. ~1

JayBee said...

@gotta: i won't pretend like i'm not a little curious about the 'close to home' thing. it is good when people can validate your sentiments though. thanks.

@still: 'preciate it.

@miz: the doors of the church are open. amen.

@one_man: definitely a cop out. you are proof positive that your circumstances do not have to be the single most important predictor of your future.

@da_vinci: that's what i'm screamin', mane. no skull cracking. honored that you'd even entertain the notion of the adequacy of my mere words and find them acceptable enough to print and post.