Sunday, April 27, 2008

Who Ya Gonna Call? Ghostbusters!

Remember the friend, and I use the term loosely, who I wrote about who tells these ridiculous lies? No? Okay, maybe not if you're new, but that just means it's time for you to do your homework. Dig in the archives. I was reading some stuff from last year (and I realized I missed my blogiversary) and I had my own self laughing. Some of the stuff made me mellow, but it allowed me to see where I was and where I am now.

Let's call this friend Angel. She went to Minnesota to stay with her boyfriend's family. To me that's pretty serious stuff. You're going 1000+ miles away from home to live with your significant other's folks for about two months in their house. Well while they were there she'd call me from time to time just to let me know how things were going and whatnot. Most of the time I'd ig her calls because if I'm not in the mood to hear a bunch of stuff that I don't find credible or relevant I just won't take your call. Sometimes if I know you're gonna tell me a bunch of lies and I'm not in the mood to hear a bunch of lying, that might get your call ignored as well. Hear me clearly. I like to be entertained, so many times I'll take the call just so I can see how many lies she's going to tell this time or see if I can get her to change/modify/enhance a story that she's already told me before. I know she's a chronic liar, but every now and then just to be JayBee I'll call her on a lie and watch her squirm and try to back peddle and use a conjuncting lie (just made that up) to try to make all the divergent stories converge.

At some point over the course of these two months or so she called me and told me her boyfriend, hereinafter Wayne, was being controlling and mean to her. She claimed he didn't want her going out during the day by herself. Mind you he had to work during the day along with his parents so basically that left her home alone with nothing to do. I guess she could watch t.v. and vacuum but how much of that can one person do before they are bored out of their mind? This went on for a while and on one of the calls she told me she went out during the day without his knowledge and he found out. Well that caused an argument that turned physical. Because of her noncompliance with his directive he told her from now on she'd stay in the basement while they were away at work. The basement locked at the top of the stairs so basically she was a prisoner in their home.

After the lockup she'd call me whispering telling me what was going on. Sometimes she'd abruptly hang up the phone and call back in a few minutes and say things like she thought she heard someone coming. I left this out. Somewhere in all this mess he told her she wasn't to talk on the phone while she was alone either so that's why she was whispering.

Here's what's wrong with the whole my-boyfriend-abused-me-and-locks-me-in-the-basement story. First of all, if someone has become physical with you and you choose to stay, there ain't no need of telling anyone about it. The persons with whom you share your story are going to look at you like you're crazy especially if that someone is me. I know the damaging affects of abuse. I can in nowise condone you staying in that situation waiting on it to happen again. I am a 99.8275% firm believer in the if it happened once it'll happen again thing. Maybe 0.1725% of the time there might be an exception.

There has already been a word coined in the English language that labels the concept of someone holding you somewhere against your will. It's called kidnapping. If you expect me to believe your story, keeping in mind that your credibility with me is zero, why the phuck are you calling me? I'm hundreds of miles away. Call the freaking police. They are the ones who are trained to deal with situations like this. Not me. I'm just a school teacher.

If Wayne has you locked up, why the hell did he just not take the phone out the basement? In that way he could ensure that you had no contact with the outside world. Unless he thought you were scared to death of him, why be so brazen as to risk you calling the police or your family or JayBee who could give a phuck less (if you've never heard that expression, it's worse than not giving a [whole] phuck; it's less than a phuck)?

Unless his parents are from Venus, I don't think they would condone their son locking you in a basement for nine hours a day. When he let you out of the dungeon, I'm thinking dinner time, you never once said anything to his peeps about what Wayne was doing to you everyday?

Of course not, Angel, because it was all a lie. And just like the other gross lie, (if you didn't click the link read the other story) it made absolutely no sense. There were too many holes and unanswered questions. It's actually kinda insulting when someone tells you a lie and hasn't taken the time to think through all the questions they might be asked so as to develop plausible answers. It's like oh, so you think I'm as stupid as you, huh? Surely you don't believe down in your tortured soul that I believe this crap. Let's say it was true and I'm totally off on thinking you're being untruthful. You should have called Ghostbusters. They're real too.


Mizrepresent said...

Okay, first off, i haven't went back to read the other story, but i will. Secondly, why is she calling you and telling you these stories, really? What is the reason? Does she want you to feel sorry for her, rescue her...? I am confused, and like you said if the situation is real, why is she still there...what person in their right mind would let someone lock them in the basement during the day...and not call the police??? Sounds like your friend (loosley based ) is a little crazy, looney...and if she is this good at telling stories, perhaps she should write them down, because it does make for an interesting read. Now back to the archives for me.

mp1 said...

Ghostbusters are real. Whatchu talking bout? I just saw them on tv the other day.

I'm with you. Methinks the popo would've been a much better option. But wouldn't that turn her into a snitch? lol

Brittany said...

Ha! She wants you to save her. I'm going back to read the other post.

JayBee said...

@miz: i think she's a little crazy too to tell such ridiculous lies, but i need a little comic relief e'er now and again. like the pic btw.

@chris: this actually happened a couple years ago, but i was not willing to involve myself in something that i thought was false. she did mention that she might need me to come and help her. picture that.

@mp1: well if they're real it's her option to phone them the next time some tragedy comes up. clearly 5-0 would be the better option. maybe that's why she didn't call cause snitches get stiches.

@brittany: she's just crazy as you'll soon discover after reading the other post.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

man this cracked me up "not in the mood to hear a bunch of stuff not credible or relevant" that had me rolling, and sad thing is im the same way, home training dictates we listen, atvleast good home training, and u never said if it was coll to add u to my roll

Jameil said...

two months? you go stay w/someone's fam for 2 mos?? and y'all ain't married? as for the rest of this... no comment.

JNez said...

well damn. she sounds like a handful. how good of you to still put up with her, however temporarily LOL.

oh, and you've been tagged, hehe...

JayBee said...

@torrance: sometimes you just don't feel like hearing the b.s. maybe i'm just presumptious an unlearned in the tenents of blog etiquette. i just added you and others whose blogs i read to my list without asking. but yeah, it's cool to add me.

@jameil: yeah, not the business. i must have missed when that became socially acceptable.

@thirty: that's putting it mildly. i do it for my own selfish reasons. i like to laugh.

RealHustla said...

What you should advise her to do is see a psychiatrist. I know liars like this. They've lied so much for so long that they don't know what the truth is, literally. They don't know how to stop. I know it's entertaining for you sometimes, but try to convince the girl to get herself some help.

Jess Living said...

I'm sure she was really missing those ninja stars this time around. Your comical relief is in need of some psychiatric intervention because she is loco. Wasn't she a black belt too? I know you have to kick some bricks and chop some wood in order to progress to the next belt color.If I were her I would have been kicking and chopping up the place and his parents would have said I need to go.

Jess Living said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jess Living said...

I just clicked this story on cnn about a real person held captive for 24 years...She's lucky her story wasn't like that.

Sheletha said...

i cant stand a liar. She would have been so called out on this foolishness...

I would have gotten off the phone with her real quick...prolly by lying my damn, "oooh, I got greens on the stove." Knowing damn well I don't know how to make greens. I just know they are on the stove at the time of her stupid call.

JayBee said...

@real: i cracked the heck up when i read your comment. do you know her? you described her without knowing her. she has in fact, i think, lied so much that she doesn't know fact from fiction. no use to tell her to get some help. crazy people NEVER think it's them. they think it's everbody else.

@jess: hadn't even made that connection. if she only had those dang ninja stars this whole scenario could have played out differently. (i just blanked out for a minute laughing when i thought about her telling me she reached in her purse and just started throwing ninja stars. you had to have heard her tell this story.) yeah, she was a black belt. forgot about that lie. and a gymnast too @ 5'2" 260 lbs.

@jess: 24 years? wheh! angel needs to stop lying before something happens to her for real. crying wolf all the time.

@sheletha: you can't make greens. i'ma have to show you. i can make a mean pot of collards or turnips. i only entertained her because i think she's crazy and i like to laugh.

Jazzy said...

LOL - well first of all, she is most DEFINITELY very entertaining if nothing else!

Not allowed to go out by herself? Locked in the basement when she does? Not allowed to talk on the phone when home by herself? CRAZY!

"why the phuck are you calling me? I'm hundreds of miles away. Call the freaking police. They are the ones who are trained to deal with situations like this. Not me. I'm just a school teacher."


Ladynay said...

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! Please call her on this!

My father lies like Angel and I swear the stories get better and funnier each time I encounter him!

RunGirl. said...

I have a friend like that who is always coming up with ridiculous stories...

On a more serious not though. Its not as easy as it seems for people, especially women, who are in an abusive relationship to actually leave that person. On average it takes her 11 times to actually pack up and leave before she finally leaves and stays gone. SO if you have another friend - obviously this girl is full of it - who talks to you about possibly being abused then dont take it for granted. If she's talking about it, then she's making a step in the right direction. Most women won't ever talk about it ...

JayBee said...

@diva: she has more problems than a little bit.

@ladynay: every time you ask her about the same thing, the story always changes a little. i bet if i asked her about this today, she would act like she never said any of this. selective amnesia.

@rungirl: i didn't know how long it took. i just wish there was some way that i could get on a loud speaker and yell to women in those situations, "you don't have to put up with that sh@t. leave that crazy ma phucka while you still have a chance."

Tabu said...

Wow, I hope her stories aren't true.

JayBee said...

@tabu: they're real in her little world.

Anonymous said...

So I know I'm blowin' up ya blog but I fell behind on reading and thangs. I've got your blog subscribed as a feed now so I should be able to keep up. I'll quit stalking you for a while, lol.